Course Syllabus

Digital Photography

Instructor: Anthony Feathers

Contact information:

                                      Phone 423-416-2050

Course Description

In this course, you will learn to take artistic digital photos. You will learn to analyze photos and discuss if they fulfill criteria to be seen as art.  You will become familiar with the elements and theories of artistic expression. The rules of composition, light, exposure, colors, etc. will be reflected will be learned. You will develop the competence to alter your digital photos with programs like Picasa and Photoshop Elements and you will be able to change the expression of your photos, combine different shots, while creating personal pieces of art.  As a final product you will create a portfolio with 8-10 photos including detailed descriptions of your work.

Course Learning Goals

After completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • define and analyze a creative process, defining the concept of creativity and describing the components of a creative process in the field of photography.
  • appreciate more about the "Photographer's Art" through the study of historic and contemporary trends and to apply that appreciation to your own work.
  • identify and define indicators of artistic expression and the elements necessary to consider a photo as a form of artistic expression.
  • analyze photos in terms of their artistic style and expression.
  • create artistic digital photos and alter it electronically using computer software
  • discuss the process of creation of an original work of art using a digital camera and specific software.
  • demonstrate technical ability in taking digital photos, discussing concepts, themes, or ideas expressed through this medium and the possibilities through this technology of self-expression.

Evaluation Methods:

Every attempt will be made to give the assignments, lessons, and projects clear directions.  “Project Objectives” will be posted for each assignment.  They should be continually referenced and your goal is to work towards the achievement of the objectives. These objectives will help guide you throughout the projects. They will be used to evaluate and grade your work.  Creativity will always be encouraged.  If you are not sure about something, simply ask.

Your ability to grow, try on new ideas,  and learn to communicate using the language of photography, will all contribute to your grade.  Your effort, participation and enthusiasm throughout the course will be a part of your grade. So, please be happy, have fun, and work hard!

Your grade will come from the following:

  • Class Participation 15%
  • Photography Projects 45%
  • Class Lessons and assignments  30%
  • Final Digital Portfolio 10%

 A (100-93) Excellent: Demonstrates outstanding effort, applied themselves beyond the expectations and objectives of the assignment. Shows advanced creativity and technicality.  Class exemplar for evaluation.

B (92-85) Above Average: Composes effort, creativity, and craftsmanship expected for

this project.  Admirable technical and creative abilities performed

C (84-77) Average: Objectives completed and outlined. Achieves all requirements for this

project, but minimally. Improvements needed in effort, creativity, or craftsmanship.

D (76-69) Below Average: Does not identify the objectives for the project, demonstrates

lack of effort, creativity, and performance.

F (68-0) Failing: Unable to complete the objectives for this project. Failure to finish

assignment or turning in “D” quality work that is late.

*Projects can be improved on and/or corrected for a better grade with teacher approval.

Teacher Expectations:

Projects are assigned in a planned order with assigned deadlines.  Your completed assignment will be graded following its assigned deadline.  Late work will receive a lower grade.

Creativity and originality are important factors in photography. All photos must be “your” original work.  Images from other sources will not be accepted and will receive no credit toward your grade.  Please keep this in mind.  Your photos should be “your” work.

Please keep in mind that the photography projects are designed to help you develop your skills.  Photos taken prior to this course (last summer, last year, etc.) will not be accepted.

Appropriate subject matter is expected.  Do not take or turn in any image that you would not want others to see.  No offensive subject matter.  No nudity. 

Camera Needs

You will need a digital camera with at least 6 megapixels capability.  It is best to have either a point and shoot or DSLR  camera.  I do not recommend cell phone cameras.  I realize that cell phone cameras have become better over the years and a good quality cell phone image would be acceptable.  But there is no doubt that a good “camera” will be more useful in developing your photography skills.

You will also need a good memory card and a way to load your photographs into the computer. 

Other items that will be useful, but not required: Tripod, flash unit, and camera case.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due