Course Syllabus

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General Course Outline


Required Texts:                     


1) Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette, Author Nolan B. Harmon

2) Holy Bible   (Any translation acceptable)


Course Description:


This course is an introduction to the study of ethics and etiquette in ministry service.  This course will explore the standards, customs and expectations of those involved in ministry services. Students will learn the codes of conduct, correct communication, ethical behavior and proper etiquette that transcend all denominations allowing the student to effectively learn acceptable ethics & etiquette for a person functioning in ministry service.


Course Learning Objectives:


1.  To develop knowledge & understanding of Ministerial Ethics & Etiquette

2.  To identify potential major ethical issues present in ministry.

3.  To identify proper etiquette methods for ministers.

4.  To provide students with foundations proper conduct as ministers.

5.  To provide understanding of classic methods that cross denominations.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due