Course Syllabus

Course: CIS 243

Title: E-Commerce



Term: Spring 2013

Days: T TH

Time: 8:00 – 10:20 a.m.

Location: Bldg. 6, H230


Instructor: Doug Kirby



Final Exam:

Wednesday - June  13th, 7:30-9:30am


KCC’s Mission:

Klamath Community College provides accessible, quality education and services

in response to the diverse needs of the student, business, and community.

The College supports student success in workforce training, academic transfer,

foundational skills development, and community education. 


VirtueMart 2, User Manual, 1st Edition, 2012, Kerry Watson, ShowMe Guides,, ISBN 9781475144635

Supplementary materials: Joomla e-Commerce VirtueMart Extensions (TBD)


Foundation course; Electronic Commerce. Topics cover on-line selling and marketing, Business-to-Business (B2B) & Business-to-Consumer (B2C) activities, applying social networks, legal & tax issues, web servers, security, and third-party payment systems.

PREREQUISITES: Prerequisites: CIS 120 (Digital Literacy), CIS 296, Recommended: BUS 101, BUS 223


COGNITIVE SKILLS: Proficiency in analysis, computation, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Demonstrate the skills and abilities to:

  • Create small business web site
  • Manage third-party payment systems
  • Implement appropriate site security


COMMUNICATION: The ability to communicate effectively, including listening, observing, speaking, writing, and information literacy

Demonstrate their ability to communicate in oral and written form through the following:

  • Participating in class discussions, particularly in describing personal experiences with e-commerce systems
  • Researching current events related to e-commerce systems, including new technologies, evolving uses of mature technologies, and the legal and ethical implications of information privacy


GLOBAL AWARENESS: Knowledge of our natural world with its diverse perspectives and richness of human experience and expression

Demonstrate an awareness of:

  • The social and political implications of expanded use of e-commerce in the business world.
  • The “shrinking of the world” due to the exponential growth of on-line commerce.


  • Understand Electronic Commerce
  • Explore revenue models
  • Comprehend Web marketing strategies, and B2B & B2C activities
  • Examine legal, ethical, & tax issues
  • Understand server-side hardware and software requirements
  • Recognize security issues

ADA - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES: Students in need of educational accommodations must contact and meet with the Student Retention Coordinator to ensure their needs are met.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Klamath Community College prohibits illegal discrimination.  If you believe you have been illegally discriminated against, please contact the Dean for Student Services or the Executive Director of Human Resources.

READINGS/ASSIGNMENTS:  The material covered in this class will be based on the assigned chapters.  Students are expected and required to complete the readings in the time frame presented below (this course is reading intensive).  This is a highly interactive class requiring a high level of student discussion – quality discussion of the topics will not occur if students do not keep up with the readings.

CLASS ACTIVITIES: Various educational approaches will be utilized including, lecture, activities, discussions, student presentations, videos, PowerPoint presentations.  From time-to-time, class lecture and activities may require different pacing, as some chapters will require more classroom time than others.

ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR THE OUTCOMES:  Student progress will be evaluated based on the following activities and criteria.

Class participation/attendance                                   200 points
Assignments (10 @ 25 points each)                           250 points
Projects (2 @ 75 points each)                                   150 points
Final Project/Website & Marketing Plan                     300 points       
Total possible points                                                900 points

GRADING CRITERIA: Your final grade will be based on the total number of points you accumulate.  Students are advised to keep track of their points.  Students can meet with their instructor before or after class to discuss individual standing.  Final Grades are based on total accumulated points:

90% - 100%    = A – 810-900
80% - 89%      = B – 720-809
70% - 79%      = C – 630-719
60% - 69%      = D – 540-629
Below 60%     = F

READINGS / ASSIGNMENTS / MEDIA PRESENTATIONS:  The material covered in this class will be based on the assigned chapters, handouts, assigned online sources, and media videos.  Students are expected and required to complete the readings and assignments as presented in the Course Schedule.  Students who do not keep up with the readings will typically find it difficult to participate in classroom discussions of the topics.

Please note: Some materials will be sourced online through various search and databases, while other materials may be available on the KCC website.  The staff in the LRC can help you find resources and print them as double-sided handouts            

Format Requirements for Written Assignments:

All written assignments will be evaluated based on spelling, grammar, legibility, organization and overall appearance - please edit your assignments carefully!  Papers must submitted using MLA style. See MLA Formatting and Style Guide (

Format Requirements for Media Presentations:

Classroom presentations will use digital media for display. These media include; viewing live web pages, Power Point slideshows, and/or video. All presentations are expected to be of professional quality and reviewed by the instructor prior to showing.

CLASS ACTIVITIES:  Various educational approaches will be utilized including, lecture, activities, discussions, student presentations, videos, and PowerPoint presentations.  From time-to-time, class lecture and activities may require different pacing, as some chapters will require more classroom time than others. Students will:

  • Read assigned textbook content, and related instructor-directed supplemental materials
  • Provide relevant and comprehensive discussion of website design, online internet and mobile marketing, E-Commerce, and other digital media best practices
  • Utilize materials in the text, class discussion, and various research sources to demonstrate the ability to apply learned concepts to project websites.
  • Complete exercise assignments from textbook, and instructor assigned exercises.         
  • Prepare media presentations using software and technology approved by the instructor.

Assignment Schedule



Lecture / Discussions / Labs


April 3


Chapter 1


Understanding E-Business

Assignment 01

April 10


Chapter 2

Defining Your E-Business Idea


Assignment 02

April 17


Chapter 3

Creating an E-Business Plan

Define E-Commerce Project Product/Business

Assignment 03

April 24


Chapter 4

Getting Your E-Business Off the Ground

Assignment 04

May 1


Chapter 5

Operating Your E-Business

Assignment 05

May 8


Chapter 6

Marketing Your E-Business – Part I

Assignment 06

May 15


Chapters 6.2, 7, 9

Marketing Your E-Business – Part II

Affiliate Marketing, Web Site Testing

Assignment 07

May 22


Chapter 8

Designing Your Web Site – Design Review

Assignment 08

May 29




Assignment 09

June 5



Team Meeting – Complete e-Business Plan

Complete Project Web Site – Joomla & VirtueMart

Assignment 10


June 13th 7:30-9:30 am

Web Site, e-Business Plan

Class Presentations

Please note that this schedule is tentative. It will be adjusted to accommodate topic development, group activities, and progress with student project sites.

Professional Standards – Business and Management Program Expectations

There is an expectation of professional behavior in the business world, both at the entry level and for promotional opportunities.  KCC Business and Management faculty are committed to providing an effective classroom experience for students participating in BUS, CAS, CIS, ECO, and OST courses.  Accordingly, the following student behaviors are expected.

Punctuality is required.

Workplaces do not tolerate tardiness, and it is in the student’s best interest to develop time management skills.

Participation is expected.

Employers look for a willingness to show initiative and work hard.  Different courses may require the student to participate in group activities or team projects, and to contribute to classroom discussion.  Participation also means that the student has read the material prior to the class session.

Attention to assignment due dates is vital.

Attention to deadlines is vital in business. Assignments must be completed and turned in on time.

All assignments and quizzes have specific due dates.  If an emergency causes you to miss an assignment due date or a quiz, you must notify me prior to class or the late assignment/quiz will be worth ½ credit only.  Students will have two school days to make up an assignment or quiz unless other arrangements have been made. 

Please remember that you are responsible for obtaining any missed information and handouts.                           

Classroom distractions are not appropriate.

The ability to focus and complete a task without disturbing others is another important workplace skill.  In the classroom, this means that cell phones must be silenced and put away.  Personal computers are to be used only with instructor approval, and computers in the labs are only to be used as stated by the instructor during each class session. The instructor expects the student to remain in the classroom for the duration of the session unless prior arrangements have been made to leave class early.

Feedback is encouraged.

The ability to give and receive feedback is also an important skill in the workplace.  If you have feedback to share with your faculty or a concern about something in the class, please speak to them as early in the term as possible.  It may be most appropriate to ask for an opportunity to speak with them privately.

Respect of others is vital.

Lack of respect for others should never be allowed in a workplace or any professional environment, including the classroom.  Business and Management faculty encourage students to consider different perspectives and approaches related to the business world, but absolutely insist that differences of opinion or thoughts be shared in a respectful manner during all class activities. Please see policies published in the KCC Student Handbook.

Expect assignment requirements to vary between different courses.

Just as each workplace may require a particular format or style for documents (for example, a memo or report), faculty in different courses may do the same. You will be exposed to a variety of experiences at KCC, which will give you more skills and tools to use in your workplace. If you have questions, talk directly to the faculty for your specific class regarding their expecta

Course Summary:

Date Details Due